The overall InterRed solution is made up of several products. The core is our multi-channel publishing solution InterRed, which supports different media worlds in the editions InterRed Print, InterRed Online and InterRed AppPublishing or as a central InterRed ContentHub - both individually and in combination. The solution is supported by InterRed ContentAgents (AI) and InterRed LiveReporting (real-time analysis tool).


The comprehensive digital asset management solution for planning, creating and managing content.

InterRed ContentHub

Multi Channel

The all-in-one solution for publishing and media houses, for all channels - Multi Channel Publishing with InterRed: online, social, print and app.

InterRed Multi Channel Publishing


The editorial system InterRed Print is the future-proof technology for your print products.

InterRed Print


InterRed Online is the future-proof web content management system for your websites.

InterRed Online


InterRed SmartAI is the reliable artificial intelligence (AI) that respects boundaries and rules.

InterRed ContentAgents


InterRed App Publishing is the solution for your future-proof tablet and smartphone apps.

InterRed AppPublishing


Artificial intelligence, state-of-the-art knowledge management, intelligent search.

InterRed ContentAgents


Live access to website analyses, web reporting in real time, immediate success control.

InterRed LiveReporting

We are here for you

InterRed GmbH
(Operative Niederlassung)

Eiserfelder Str. 316
D-57080 Siegen

InterRed GmbH
(Sitz der Gesellschaft)

Hickenweg 42
D-35708 Haiger
Tel. +49 271 30377-0 Fax. +49 271 30377-77