Book publishers

A (analogue) book is now the product of a series of digital processes. Beside the mere printed products (books, catalogs, newspapers, magazines, etc.), digital and mobile formats, as eBooks, iPad and EPUB, have become more popular recently. This makes a change in thinking necessary, regarding production, as well as output and distribution channels. This digital change requires a publishing house software that supports and optimizes the workflow of the product chain. The overall solution for this is the content management system InterRed.

The optimization and automation of (book) publisher departments, as editing, production, distribution, design and marketing, which were working separately before, is increasingly moving into the focus. Concretely, this means that the entire internal value chain starts by the time of conception, or rather the acquisition of (book) rights. Initiated by the recording in the master data system, respectively in the content management system InterRed, the key data are passed on to the responsible departments. The essential productive utilization and processing is then completely carried out in the content management and publisher information system InterRed. This enables all publisher departments to access the same database. Thereby, publisher and book projects can be managed and optimized from a single source, including the recording of authors and their manuscripts and the edition and output control, as well as the marketing and publication of the publisher information, printed and online. The basis of this is again the unique, media-neutral storage of data in the content management system InterRed.

Cross-media book marketing

A main task of a media-neutral publisher information system, or book management system, is the cross-media book marketing. The individual content, as master data, book cover, marketing materials, publisher catalogs and previews, is created and processed, rights- and workflow-controlled, in separate departments. After the finalization, the content is not only available to the creators, but, due to the efficient content management of InterRed Print, centrally to all involved parties of the publisher. Thereby, processes are optimized and quality is improved.

The production of printed book materials does no longer comprise only the workflows of the actual book production: the spectrum ranges from internal information sheets of books, over the creation of covers for books and audios, to the generation of publisher catalogs. For all these cases, the reuse of the collected data is virtually a necessity that is optimally realized with InterRed. Due to the content management system being simultaneously able to publish the data in the internet, the step from a complete index to an up-to-date internet presence with an own online shop is not far.


A central aspect of a media-neutral publisher information and book management system is the recording and management of manuscripts and ready-to-print issues. Already before to the actual decision for a book project, the manuscripts have to be assessed and edited using a specific workflow. When the book project is finished, the production data have to be archived, to enable a quick and easy access to them for upcoming publications.

For these processes, the content management system InterRed provides valuable assistance. Due to its media-neutral data storage, it makes the quick and flexible output in diverse media possible. The production of classic print publications, with Adobe InDesign, or the delivery of issues for Tablets,eBooks, EPUB, MobiBook and eReader can be realized cost-effectively with the content management system InterRed. The otherwise usual transfer costs for the creation of an "E-BOOK", for example out of the DTP-format, do not arise with the media-neutral management of data in InterRed. Usually the backlist is the backbone of a publishing house. But the publisher information and management system InterRed does provide all required tools for being prepared for the delivery into current formats, as well as upcoming ones.