The Bauverlag BV GmbH arose in 2002 from the two longtime successful companies Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften GmbH and Bauverlag GmbH.

About 135 employees work at the locations in Gütersloh and Berlin, as well as in the offices in Munich, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf. The Bauverlag is said to be the largest provider of expert information for architecture and construction in the German-speaking area. With a total of 18 publications, as well as numerous online presences, books and special publications, the information demands of all relevant target groups of the construction industry are met.
The Bauverlag offers the up-to-date and innovative information that is required by the construction industry in the daily practice, comprising, among others, the sectors technical building services, management of real estates, processing of raw materials, manufacturing of building materials, metal construction, civil engineering and road construction.The Content Management System InterRed is the technical basis for a large part of the print and online publications of the Bauverlag (e.g. Bauwelt, Bundesbaublatt, DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, Baugeräteliste, FACILITY MANAGEMENT).
In addition, Bauverlag relies on InterRed for the production of its e-paper publications.