Siegen/Haiger, 14.02.2012

InterRed supports cross-border publishing

InterRed is supporting publishers through its "Cross-Border Publishing" scheme. With the "Multi-Channel - One Solution" concept introduced in 2011 and the opportunities arising from it, both as regards multi channel publishing and support for the widest variety of languages, InterRed is the ideal system for cross-border publishing.

Cross-border publishing, on all channels, with one system

The increasing international nature of the market demands that publishers publish all sorts of diverse contents in a variety of languages in a wide range of distinct and different output channels. This topic is the burning issue of the moment in the publishing industry - not least on the Magazine Days organised by the VDZ (Association of German Magazine Publishers) in November 2011, during which interest was focussed in a wide variety of ways on expansion into new markets. The most obvious need connected to this is a solution, which brings with it all the inherent facilities needed for cross-border publishing. Nowadays it is no longer enough to offer information in "world languages". Rather, it is essential to use all languages and thus, to serve potential markets. At the same time, it makes sense to keep the expenditure needed for this and the costs involved as moderate as possible. Here InterRed offers - and has offered for some time now - the opportunity, independent of platform or location, to “play” all current output channels throughout the world with any multi -lingual content desired.

Browser-based, media-neutral and multi-lingual

The multi-lingual aspect is given optimum support from a unique concept. Contents, such as images or tables, which are independent of language, are saved only once in the system and can be used jointly by the individual languages. By selecting the desired language the rest of the contents can be made available in that language. Numerous additional functions, some of which are fully automated, ensure that new contents are made available, as rapidly as possible, in all the languages required and moreover, always remain in synchronisation. This means that it always remains possible to make a free choice of which formats and channels (Print, Web, Mobile, HTML5, App, EPUB etc.) to use, for the operation of InterRed is based purely on a Web browser. Consequently, it is immaterial whether a user is working on a Microsoft Windows PC, a Macintosh or on some other operating system. All contents, all languages, all channels, all platforms, one editing system: InterRed.