
InterRed offers an integrated notification-system, which makes the system-supported communication among InterRed-users possible. This simplifies teamwork and reduces the requirement for coordination.

For example, in the case of multilingual web appearances an editor can instantly inform the translator after having changed a certain passage of a content. As the messages is automatically assigned to the specific content, the translator directly knows which content has to be edited and translated. The version comparison enables the graphical display of the changed passages.

With the reminder-function of the notification-system, the user can set dates for any content, at which he is automatically reminded by InterRed. Alternatively, messages can be sent as e-mails, for example to inform a partner company about their mention on the own website. A criterion can be defined which has to be fulfilled for the transmission of the message.

In connection with the Business Process Engine of InterRed a powerful and functional tool for the optimization of work processes arises.